PhD, Weill Cornell Mecical College, 2021
Pharmacology Graduate Program
Sloan Kettering Institute & Weill Cornell Medical College
NIH Predoctoral Fellow, 2017-2020
BS, University of California, Santa Cruz, 2013
Kinetic analyses of the siderophore biosynthesis inhibitor salicyl-AMS and analogues as MbtA inhibitors and antimycobacterial agents.
Bythrow, G. V.; Mohandas, P.; Guney, T.; Standke, L. C.; Germain, G. A.; Lu, X.; Ji, C.; Levendosky, K.; Chavadi, S. S.; Tan, D. S.*; Quadri, L. E. N.* Biochemistry 2018, 883–847.
[ Abstract | PubMed |