Fellowships and Funding Opportunities

Fellowships and Funding Opportunities


All matriculated students will receive a fellowship package that includes:

  • An annual stipend ($52,500 for 2024-2025)
  • A tuition scholarship that covers the full cost of tuition and fees ($51,031 for 2024-2025)
  • A comprehensive medical and dental insurance package
  • A laptop computer at the time of matriculation
  • Relocation costs (up to $500)
  • Up to $750 per year for registration fees or tuition to attend career development courses approved in advance after year 3 in the program
  • One award per academic year of up to $1,200 to cover fees and travel to attend a scientific conference at which the student is either giving a talk or presenting a poster
  • Membership in the New York Academy of Sciences

Fellowships are guaranteed for the duration of the student’s training and are supported from a variety of sources including institutional funds, philanthropic fellowships, and individual fellowships. Continuation of the fellowship is contingent upon satisfactory progress.

Enrolled students also have access to the MSK Emergency Hardship Fund. This fund offers financial support to enrolled scientific trainees facing sudden and temporary financial challenges resulting from personal or family emergencies but cannot resolve these difficulties through alternative measures (fellowships, loans, or personal resources). We understand that such financial emergencies can add stress that negatively impacts academic progress. The MSK Emergency Hardship Fund aims to help students experiencing such emergencies, alleviating the sudden burden and allowing them to return on track with their academic and scientific progress. This GSK portion of the fund was made possible by Mr. Louis V. Gerstner Jr., Chair Emeritus of the GSK Board and the namesake of the graduate school.


Current Funding Opportunities

Students are strongly encouraged to apply for independent funding from agencies such as the National Institutes of Health, the National Science Foundation, and the Department of Defense, among others. As an incentive, students who successfully compete for individual fellowships receive $5000 per year that the grant is active as a supplement to their regular stipend. The GSK Thesis Proposal Exam (TPE) follows the format of an NIH F31 fellowship proposal to help students use this document as a template for future fellowship applications.

Our students have successfully received fellowships and awards including:

Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31)
National Institutes of Health

Individual Predoctoral to Postdoctoral Fellow Transition Award (F99/K00)
National Institutes of Health

Graduate Research Fellowship Program
National Science Foundation

AHA Predoctoral Fellowship
American Heart Association

Antibody Scholarship
Thermo Fischer Scientific

Moreover, students are encouraged to work with MSK’s Grants and Contracts team to identify fellowships and prepare and submit their applications. Grants and Contracts provide beneficial resources including examples of successful fellowships, institutional narratives, letter writing assistance, and more on the MSK intranet.
Intraweb Link – Fellowships