
MSK Study Is the First to Link Microbiota to Dynamics of the Human Immune System
MSK researchers have shown for the first time that the concentration of different types of immune cells in the blood changes in relation to the presence of different bacterial strains in the gut.

At Work: Computational Biologist Joao Xavier
Computational biologist Joao Xavier combines computer models and laboratory experimentation to understand how cells interact.

Turning to Bacteria for Clues
Several Memorial Sloan Kettering investigators are focused on the study of bacteria, which can teach us much about human health, and about cancer in particular.

Turning to Bacteria for Cancer Clues
Approaches used for research into the social lives of bacteria can also be used to explore how tumors behave and evolve.

The Social Behavior of Bacteria Offers New Ideas for Antimicrobial Drug Design
Memorial Sloan Kettering researchers have discovered how a common bacterium can evolve to become more mobile and easier to get rid of.
Watching Bacteria Evolve, with Predictable Results
Cell researcher Joao Xavier performed an experiment on a common species of bacteria to test the theory of evolution....
In the Lab

Researchers Shed Light on Possible Cause of Infections in Cancer Patients
Infections are a common cause of complications in cancer patients. Now a Memorial Sloan Kettering research team finds that a commonly prescribed antibiotic could increase susceptibility to a bacterial infection.