GSK Women in Science

GSK Women in Science

GSK Women in Science leaders

GSK Women in Science leaders

Women in Cancer: Meet Three Trailblazers at MSK
Women in Cancer: Meet Three Trailblazers at MSK
Hear from three women breaking new ground in the fields of cancer metastasis, immunology and philanthropy.
Learn more

GSK Women in Science (GWIS) was created in 2010. Our mission is to promote support for women in science and encourage open dialogue to help address their unique needs and concerns.

Membership is open to all students enrolled in GSK regardless of gender. All new students are automatically added to the GWIS list serve and they may opt out at any time.

As GWIS Officers, we are here to advocate for our female students and the issues that are important to them. We hold various events throughout the year to discuss career options and work/life balance issues with women in academia, industry, government, and other science-related fields. In addition to hosting career panel discussions, faculty luncheons, workshops, and mixers with other local women’s groups, we keep our members abreast of relevant news and events happening in the larger New York City scientific community.

If you would like to reach out to us directly, our contact information is below.


Vivian Kuan, GWIS Co-Chair
[email protected]

Lucia Wang, GWIS Co-Chair
[email protected]