Yun-Han Huang, MD, PhD

Fellow, Medicine, University of California, San Francisco

Yun-Han Huang, MD, PhD

Fellow, Medicine, University of California, San Francisco

Start Year


End Year



BS, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

As I child, I used to go with my father on field trips to catch frogs and salamanders for his research, and I was fascinated by the creative ways in which scientists answered important questions. In my own research, I’m generally interested in better understanding the biological mechanisms of disease in order to facilitate the design of more rational treatment regimens. I’m focused on TGF-beta signaling in the suppression and progression of cancer. The scientific environment at Memorial Sloan Kettering is exceptional for such collaborative, translational research, and Gerstner Sloan Kettering’s core course is well designed to introduce students to the spectrum of work being done at MSK.

Current position

MD-PhD Medical Student at Weill Cornell School


Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award for Individual Predoctoral MD/PhD Fellows (F30), 2016-2019


Su J, Morgani SM, David CJ, Wang Q, Er EE, Huang YH, Basnet H, Zou Y, Shu W, Soni RK, Hendrickson RC, Hadjantonakis AK, Massague J. (2020) TGF-β orchestrates fibrogenic and developmental EMTs via the RAS effector RREB1. Nature. 578.

David CJ, Huang YH, Chen M, Su J, Zou Y, Bardeesy N, Iacobuzio-Donahue CA, Massagué J. (2016) TGF-β Tumor Suppression through a Lethal EMT. Cell, 164, 1015-30. PMCID: PMC4801341.

Cohen LJ, Kang HS, Chu J, Huang YH, Gordon EA, Reddy BV, Ternei MA, Craig JW, Brady SF. (2015) Brady Functional metagenomic discovery of bacterial effectors in the human microbiome and isolation of commendamide, a GPCR G2A/132 agonist. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 112, E4825-34. PMCID: PMC4568208.

Colucci PG, Kostandy P, Shrauner WR, Arleo E, Fuortes M, Griffin AS, Huang YH, Juluru K, Tsiouris AJ. (2015) Tsiouris Development and utilization of a web-based application as a robust radiology teaching tool (radstax) for medical student anatomy teaching. Acad Radiol., 22, 247-55. PMCID: PMC4750394.

Vyas S, Chesarone-Cataldo M, Todorova T, Huang YH, Chang P. (2013) A systematic analysis of the PARP protein family identifies new functions critical for cell physiology. Nat Commun., 4, 2240. PMCID: PMC3756671.

Huang YH. (2013) Gene patents: a broken incentives system. J Relig Health, 52, 1079-84. PMCID: PMC3819421.

Huang YH, Hu J, Chen F, Lecomte N, Basnet H, David CJ, Witkin MD, Allen PJ, Leach SD, Hollmann TJ, Iacobuzio-Donahue CA, Massague J. (2019) ID1 mediates escape from TGF-β tumor suppression in pancreatic cancer. Cancer Discov. pii: CD-19-05294 [Epub ahead of print]

View a full listing of Yun-Han Huang’s journal articles.