2011 – 2019: Integrated PhD (MS + PhD), Indian Institute of Science, Education and Research (IISER), Pune, India (Richa Rikhy lab)
2008 – 2011: B.Sc. in Biotechnology, University of Pune, India
Research Interests:
I am always fascinated by how cells attain different identities and architecture while originating from identical parental cell types and the dynamicity of the tissue behavior as a whole during the process of cell fate determination. In mammalian embryos (blastocysts), the first cell fate determination events occur early during the development, even before implanting into the uterus (pre-implantation).
I am interested in understanding the factors regulating spatiotemporal emergence of the cell identities and positioning in the blastocysts. I employ advanced microscopy and computational tools to document and analyze live-imaged, lineage-specific fluorescent reporters and markers for cell morphology and sorting while the cell fates are established.