Cell Biology Program

The Maria Akhmanova Lab


Maria Akhmanova
Maria Akhmanova, PhD
Assistant Member, Cell Biology Program

Assistant Professor

Welcome to the Akhmanova lab, where we study how cells penetrate and migrate through tissues in vivo. By combining cutting-edge live imaging, mechano-biological techniques, and theoretical modelling, we aim to uncover the secrets behind these intricate processes.

Fig.1 Research methodology and goals at a glance.


Fig.1 Research methodology and goals at a glance.


Lab’s research fucus: cell invasion controlled by surrounding tissue cells

Fig.2  Lab’s research focus: cell invasion controlled by surrounding tissue cells.


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Research Projects

Publications Highlights

Akhmanova M.*, Emtenani S., Krueger D., Gyoergy A., Guarda M., Vlasov M., Vlasov F., Akopian A., Ratheesh A., De Renzis S., Siekhaus D.* (2022): Cell division in tissues enables macrophage infiltration // Science 376 (6591), pp.394-396. * Co-corresponding author

Fendrych M., Akhmanova M. *, Merrin J., Glanc M., Hagihara S., Takahashi K., Uchida N., Torii KU., Friml J. (2018) Rapid and reversible root growth inhibition by TIR1 auxin signaling// Nature Plants, Jul;4(7):453-459.
DOI: 10.1038/s41477-018-0190-1 * Conceived and performed mathematical modeling part of the study

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Maria Akhmanova

Maria Akhmanova, PhD

Assistant Member, Cell Biology Program

Assistant Professor

  • The Akhmanova laboratory studies cell invasion and migration through tissues, and how it is controlled by surrounding tissue cells.
  • PhD, Lomonosov Moscow State University
[email protected]
Email Address


Angelica Stephenson

Senior Administrative Assistant

Jayant Asthana

Sr. Research Scientist

Emily Pratt

GSK Graduate Student

Xiaoqun (Catherine) Zhang

Senior Research Scientist

Lab Affiliations


  • Austrian Science Fund (FWF) Lise Meitner fellowship (2018-2019)

Open Positions

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