Leukemia Genomics at MSK

Leukemia Genomics at MSK



For more information, please contact Elli Papaemmanouil (papaemme@mskcc.org) and Franck Rapaport (rapaport@cbio.mskcc.org). 

Under the auspices of the Leukemia Center, the Papaemmanouil Lab is coordinating the leukemia genomics (LeukGen) project at MSK. LeukGen brings together clinical and research investigators across leukemia and hematologic malignancies at MSK, colleagues from the Hematologic Oncology Tissue Bank, system engineer, and computational biologists who are  working together to deliver a computational infrastructure for molecular profiling, analysis, and databasing of our clinical and research specimens.

Together with our computational biologists, we are building end-to-end databases, processes, and analytical pipelines to support state-of-the-art genomics research. The project interfaces closely with the CMO as well as genome research collaborators at the New York Genome Center.

The project is kindly supported by the Leukemia Research Center and the Susan and Peter Solomon Divisional Genomics Program.